Our DON&M elected Vice-President of the ICM

icm board


We are very proud to announce that our Director of Nursing and Midwifery/Executive Officer, Mary Kirk, has been elected Vice-President of the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM).

This appointment was made after the ICM council delegates voted for the new Board, on 16th June 2017 in Toronto, Canada. Mary will serve as Vice-President with the new ICM board for the next three years.

ICM supports, represents and works to strengthen professional associations of midwives throughout the world. They work to promote autonomous midwives as the most appropriate caregivers for childbearing women and keeping birth normal, in order to enhance the reproductive health of women, their newborns and their families.

We congratulate Mary on this prestigious international appointment and wish her and the entire ICM board every success in this next three-year term.