The Mary Kirk Fellowship is awarded biennially by the Canberra Mothercraft Society to commission an academic paper and public lecture that will inform public debate and understanding of matters affecting women’s and children’s health and the wellbeing of families.
Mary Kirk AM
Mary Kirk AM was the executive officer of the Canberra Mothercraft Society and director of Nursing and Midwifery at the Queen Elizabeth II Family Centre from 1996 to 2019. Her distinguished career in midwifery included serving as vice-president of the International Confederation of Midwives. The fellowship in her name recognizes her contribution to the field locally, nationally and internationally.
At QEII, Ms Kirk led the development of an innovative and inclusive model of care for working with families, especially those needing longer-term assistance and support from QEII. Her leadership of QEII staff saw repeated excellent results in external accreditation. Her commitment to the highest standards of support and training for staff gave rise to the CMS scholarship fund, which was partly funded through the fees received from her participation in national and international bodies regulating and supporting the midwifery profession.
Find out about the Mary Kirk Fellowship Recipients below: