Mary Kirk Fellowship awarded to Professor Leonie Segal

The Canberra Mothercraft Society is delighted to announce the recipient of the 2023 Mary Kirk Fellowship is Professor Leonie Segal, University of South Australia.

Professor Segal, a leading researcher in the field of intergenerational trauma, is Foundation Chair, Health Economics and Social Policy, Australian Centre for Precision Health, University of South Australia. She has published widely in international journals on the mechanism of intergenerational trauma and the devastating extent of the harms. She is working in partnership with government and the NGO sector to explore policy options to reverse this pattern.

Professor Segal will give a public lecture in Canberra on Wednesday, 24 May 2023, and follow up with a peer-reviewed paper in an academic journal.

Professor Segal’s research shows that children of parents who themselves suffered serious abuse are likely to suffer similar outcomes, with very extensive and significant associated harms. In her lecture she will summarise the nature of these harms, and look at ways to break this cycle of intergenerational trauma with innovative policy options that address the currently unmet need for appropriate services for families facing multiple adversity. 

If you are interested in attending the lecture or would like further information please RSVP to

For further information on Professor Segal and her research see here.